Explore the fascinating Mayan ruins of Belize

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Belize was one of the areas of settlement and splendor of the Mayan culture. Hence, impressive remains of ancient cities can be admired throughout the country.

Mayan culture is one of the most studied in history. Its cities began to settle around the eighth century BC. C. and had great splendor until the ninth century AD. C. Thus, places like the Mayan ruins of Belize give us the possibility of knowing what was once one of the most important civilizations in America.
Why go see the Mayan ruins of Belize
Visiting the places that centuries ago were the scene of the development of an important culture is a unique sensation. In this way, the Mayan ruins of Belize will make us travel to a time when about one million people lived here in the so-called “classical period.”
Of that splendor there are plenty of remains in the country, about a thousand. Some of them have arrived to this day in a good state of conservation, although most of the Mayan cities were abandoned even long before the arrival of the Spaniards.

Mayans in Belize 

Of course, of all the Mayan vestiges spread across the country, only a few can be visited. In any case, they are magnificent examples of what were the settlements of the Mayan civilization.
The most prominent ruins
As we said, the Mayan ruins of Belize spread throughout the country. There are at least thirty archaeological points that you can know. We are going to mention just some of them.
These ruins are located in the Orange Walk district. In fact, they are highly recommended because of the natural environment in which they are located. In addition, some of its buildings are in very good condition.
The rise of Lamanai occurred, especially, between the fourth centuries BC. C. and I a. C., although the area was occupied many centuries later. In fact, after the conquest period, the settlers created a Catholic church, but the Mayans defended the area and the Spaniards eventually left this place.
Archaeologists have been working in the Mayan ruins of Belize located in Lamanai for almost 50 years, and in that time they have managed to restore the most important parts. You cannot miss the three temples: the one of the Mascarones, the one of the Masks of Jaguar and the High Temple.

Apart from the ruins themselves, along the way you will find many other things to see. The trip has to be done by boat. Thus you will discover incredible landscapes of the jungle that surrounds it.
This is called an area whose political importance was maximum during the height of the Mayan civilization. It is also possibly the most important site that is preserved in the country. And it is also the largest.
Here you will see a large pyramid that reaches 140 meters high. The most surprising is its state of conservation and that of its entire environment. On your visit you will believe that you have traveled in time, because on the way there you will have to go through areas where the presence of modern life is void.
Other archaeological sites
Mayan ruins in Belize are everywhere, and it is difficult to talk about them all. But we also want to mention those of Cahal Pech, which are located in the city of San Ignacio, in the Cayo district, just like El Caracol.

Cahal Pech
This place was the seat of the Mayan civilization until the ninth century, and was owned by an important family. It does not have a large construction like El Caracol or impressive temples like those in Lamanai, but you can see up to 34 different structures that are still preserved.
In this place it is also possible to visit an interesting museum. In it you will be able to know everything that is known about these ruins thanks to the work of archaeologists since the late 70s.